•State of New York has a stop and Frisk policy
• In LA the judge ruled that it was unconstitutional
• The police are still able to find loopholes and ways to make stop and frisk legal
• officers can still follow, stalk, search, question and other things to anyone who seems suspicious
• to me the article basically says that the police can arrest/harass someone solely based on the color of their skin
provision: the action of providing or supplying something for use
Unrestrained: not restrained or restricted
hyperbolic: of or relating to a hyperbola.
hunch:raise (one's shoulders) and bend the top of one's body forward.
predominantly: mainly; for the most part.
Moreover: as a further matter; besides.
infraction: a violation or infringement of a law, agreement, or set of rules.
impermissibly: not permissible
render: provide or give (a service, help, etc.).
inflected: vary the intonation or pitch of (the voice), esp. to express mood or feeling.
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